B Series Distribution Delivery Robot

The global economy has suffered setbacks, and business operations have become more difficult due to COVID19 widespread; using automated, intelligent robots to replace repeated labour to achieve cost reductions and efficiency gains has become the direction of upgrading for most companies increasingly, especially, when national-wide lockdown is released with people getting back to work, needs careful planning to prevent a 2nd comeback of deadly pandemic virus attack on customers and workers at the service forefront.



Deploying robots minimize cross-infection among human contact within spaces where long exposure at work is unavoidable. Suitable for deployment at catering and leisure scene, business office scene, hospital inpatient scene.

Videos: https://vimeo.com/443955345 ; https://vimeo.com/443955828 ; https://vimeo.com/443956054

Customized Solution for industrial usage by AIoT Manufacturer. Made-to-order in quantities. Please contact administrator for more details on product features and details on how to purchase order.